Robank® Equine Nutrition

Robank® Equine’s mission is to produce nutritionally balanced products, developed to meet the needs of a variety of equine breeds, industries and disciplines at different stages throughout the equine life-cycle.

To support our mission Robank® Equine continually works with our technical & nutritional partner Dr Stephen Duren (Performance Horse Nutrition) and his staff, advancing formulations based on ongoing qualified research.


PHN Equine Nutrition Articles

To support our mission Robank® Equine continually works with our technical & nutritional partner Dr Stephen Duren (Performance Horse Nutrition) and his staff.

PHN provide Robank® Equine a wealth of experience and information and technical articles supporting equine health and nutrition. Sign up to keep up to date as new information is published.


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Equine Nutrition Facts

Simple equine nutrition facts & tips for all equine lovers. Sign up to keep up to date as new information is published


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